Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My homeland ...

Everybody have only one homeland which has some special things.
My homeland is Việt Nam. It is an aggressive country with friendly and courtous people. VN have a lot of kind of foods, you can find it everywhere, everytime you want to eat. "Phở" is my favorite foods, we have many kind of "Phở" depend on area.
But the best is "Phở" in Hà Nội, our capital city. We have some beautiful places where attracting a lot of visitors everyear, especial is Hạ Long Bay and Phong Nha Cave.Our language is very unusual too, every word in the same meaning are have different expressive.
That is my thinking about my homeland. Maybe I'll see many places that more beautiful than my country, but I will never forget my homeland, place I was born and grown up.
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moon said...

good! i heard that vitnam foods are very taste. if you have a picture about your home town please show me see you~~

Hannah :) said...

2 questions:

--Do you think that you will stay in your hometown when you finish your studies?

--What do you think is most beautiful about your hometown?

Erichinchin said...